Kia ora and welcome to the Summer 2022-23 issue of Line of Defence Magazine! Another year has flown past putting our collective OODA loop to the test as a new year of uncertainty approaches us at break-neck pace.
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In this 26th issue of Line of Defence we continue our new addition to the magazine – the Aerospace section – with excellent insights into Aotearoa’s outer space laws from Dentons Kensington Swan, and a brief on the space insurance market from Rotoiti’s Dr Nicholas Borroz.
Nova Systems also profiles its expansion into the space sector, with the company recently engaged by MBIE to undertake a review of high-altitude vehicle launch plans and safety cases.
In Defence, featured contributor Dr Wayne Mapp talks Defence Policy Review and sizes up what capability purchases the post-2023 election government will need to make, while Andy Watts revisits the argument for naval capability adaptability in the form of ‘modularity’.
With LandForces 2022 held recently, correspondent Jennie Vickers profiles some of the Kiwi companies flying the flag at the event and profiles SME and Prime matchmaker BenchOn. And while we’re on the topic of profiles, in this issue we feature an exclusive interview with Babcock’s new Program Director – Strategic Maritime Partnerships Mark Worsfold.
Also in Defence, we check in on GA-ASI and the long endurance patrols its MQ-9B SeaGuardian platform has been flaying for Japan’s Coast Guard. Triplex Consulting’s Ross Browne also introduces us to the wondersful volunteer work being conducted throughout the region by Taskforce Kiwi.
In Homeland Security we feature insights from the NZ Crowded Places Security Advisory Group’s (CPSAG) Dr Bridgette Sullivan-Taylor and Chris Kumeroa in the wake of last month’s reports of a foiled Auckland terror attack plot. The CPSAG is a voluntary body of security subject matter experts established as a result of an approach by NZ Police to the private security sector to support Protecting Our Crowded Places from Attack: New Zealand’s Strategy.
There’s plenty more great reading in this issue of Line of Defence Magazine, including a piece by Massey University’s Dr Negar Partow in the shared struggles of women in Iran and Afghanistan.
Moving into 2023, we are amping up our digital channels and introducing a range of new online viewing and advertising options, so stay tuned for news on this – and ensure that you have subscribed to Defsec New Zealand’s email updates.
Lastly, seasons greetings from the Line of Defence and Defsec New Zealand, and best wishes for a safe and secure festive season and a great start to 2023!
Nicholas Dynon, Auckland.