AIDN calls for the Defence Strategic Review and Nuclear Submarine Task Force reports to provide clarity around the role of defence industry, and pushes for legislation.
In a media release today, the Australian Industry and Defence Network (AIDN) has welcomed the news that the Defence Strategic Review (DSR) has been handed to the Albanese Government.
“AIDN looks forward to having the opportunity to review the report and will engage in a constructive manner with the Albanese Government, Defence and industry stakeholders, to ensure that a role for the Australian Defence Industry is considered in the DSR recommendations and the associated defence integrated investment program,” stated the media release.
AIDN stated that its 1000+ strong membership of Australian SMEs supports any Australian Government initiative that affords the Australian Defence Industry the opportunity to secure high end work in all Defence programs.
In doing so, it made reference to a recent statement by Minister for Defence Industry Pat Conroy that the Albanese Government was working towards ensuring that enhanced capability for the Australian Defence Industry was the measure the Albanese Government would be seeking, rather than a simplistic measure of percentage.
“In principle, as an industry that contributes $10.6 billion to the Australian economy annually, AIDN supports this initiative,” stated AIDN. “A highly capable Australian Defence Industry supports the Albanese Government’s ambition of a more self-reliant and a sovereign industrial base. AIDN is calling for the Albanese Government and the Department of Defence (DoD) to work closely with the 61,000+ workers employed by the Australian Defence Industry, to ensure that a comprehensive policy and procurement framework are put in place to achieve this intent.”
In particular, the Network argued that the implementation of a robust and auditable policy and procurement framework is necessary to ensure that the Albanese Government’s Defence capability requirements “are achieved as efficiently as possible, particularly in light of the rapidly evolving geopolitical climate.”
The Australian Defence Industry is dependent, it stated, on a framework where their role in delivering capability requirements is clear, and the procurement process is efficient and accessible to local industry.
“It may well be the case that the Albanese Government considers legislating this requirement to ensure compliance by the DoD and the Australian Defence Force (ADF),” it stated.
Suggesting that the DSR and the report from the Nuclear Submarine Task Force should address the role of Australia’s defence industry, AIDN noted that these reports will shape strategic outcomes for Australia as well as influencing outcomes for the Australian Defence Industrial base potentially for decades.
“If the intent is simply to acquire capability form foreign owned overseas industries, then our nation will have fallen short of what we need to create with our Industry.”
“AIDN is proud to demonstrate to Australia’s political leaders that there is a backbone of national resilience and sovereign defence capability in this country, and we are prepared to work side by side with the Albanese Government and the Department of Defence to accelerate capability delivery and build more durable supply chains here onshore,” said Brent Clark, Chief Executive Officer of AIDN.
“We are keen to ensure that the DSR recommendations ensure our Industry has the opportunity to demonstrate the integral role we play in our national economy through our sovereign supply chains; modern manufacturing practices; research and innovation; skills development; and regional employment,” Mr Clark said.