Risk professional association RiskNZ announces its Awards of Excellence categories for 2025

New Zealand Security Magazine - Update

Celebrating excellence in risk: Awards night 2024. Image supplied.

RiskNZ, the leading non-profit association for risk professionals in New Zealand, has announced that nominations for its 2025 Awards of Excellence open Thursday 13 February.

This year’s awards will be presented at the annual NZ Risk & Resilience Summit 2025, which will run over 22-23 July.

The RiskNZ Awards of Excellence consist of four award categories acknowledging those who are embedding risk management approaches within normal business practice and making it part of everyday thinking.

The most coveted awards are ‘Risk Professional of the Year’ and ‘Emerging Risk Professional of the Year’, with these two award categories being open to RiskNZ members only. The two remaining categories are open to both RiskNZ members and non-members living in New Zealand.

“Take the time to look at the award categories, the awards timeline and we urge you to take part and nominate someone you know or yourself, said David Turner, CEO of RiskNZ.

“Great work is undertaken within the risk industry throughout New Zealand which deserves recognition,” he said.

The Board and CEO of RiskNZ look forward to the viewing the submitted nominations and the presentation of the awards this coming July.

For more information regarding the awards including sponsorship opportunities and award categories, visit the RiskNZ Website at www.risknz.org.nz.
