WiSAA 2025

Each of the nine WiSAA categories correspond to protection from the types of threats that New Zealanders face. Due to the dynamic nature of the threat landscape, categories are likely to undergo change from one year to the next. Our categories for 2025 are:

1. Preventing crime and protecting communities

This category recognises a law enforcement or security professional who has through their commitment, capability, professionalism, advocacy, innovation, and/or leadership made a significant contribution to the prevention of crime and/or the protection of communities in Aotearoa New Zealand.

2. Securing organisations and infrastructure

This category recognises a professional who has through their commitment, capability, professionalism, innovation, and/or leadership made a significant contribution to the security of an organisation or critical infrastructure asset. Note: the organisation or asset may be part of a network of such organisations / assets essential to the functioning of Aotearoa New Zealand’s society or the economy or to the safety of its citizens.

3. Safeguarding networks and people online

This category recognises a professional who has through their commitment, capability, professionalism, advocacy, innovation, and/or leadership made an exceptional contribution to driving cybersecurity or online safety outcomes within an organisation or beyond.

Securing critical infrastructure is quickly assuming national importance.

4. Countering incivility and violent extremism

This category recognises a professional who has through their commitment, capability, professionalism, advocacy, innovation, and/or leadership made a significant contribution to the countering of incivility or violent extremism, or who has contributed to promoting open, tolerant communities.

5. Contributing to defence and international security

This category recognises a professional who has through their commitment, capability, professionalism, advocacy, innovation, and/or leadership made a significant contribution to the defence of New Zealand and its national interests or, more broadly, to regional or international security..

6. Combatting fraud and misrepresentation

This category recognises a professional who has through their commitment, capability, professionalism, advocacy, innovation, and/or leadership made a significant contribution to combatting fraud and misrepresentation – either in general or in relation to a specific case or cases.

Auckland skyline

Incivility and intolerance are threatening whole societies and social cohesion

7. Protecting borders, trade, and biosecurity

This category recognises a professional who has through their commitment, capability, professionalism, advocacy, innovation, and/or leadership made a significant contribution to the protection of the New Zealand community either at the border or along the routes through which people and goods pass prior to arriving at the border.

8. Responding to natural disaster events

This category recognises a professional who has through their commitment, capability, professionalism, advocacy, innovation, and/or leadership made a significant contribution in responding to an emergency, natural disaster or extreme weather event.

9. Building resilient communities

This category recognises a professional who has through their commitment, capability, professionalism, advocacy, innovation, and/or leadership made a significant contribution to building community resilience to any of a range of challenges or future threats, such as disinformation, foreign political interference, climate change, or public health crisis.

Risk Report

Responding to threats and making our communities more resilient for the future.