In the previous issue of NZSM, we explored HID Global’s, Seven steps to better ID card design. One of the steps, ‘Print, encode and laminate’, discussed direct to card and high definition printing techniques for non-technology and technology cards. In this issue we take a deeper dive into two printing methods.
What is “dye sublimation / resin thermal transfer” printing and what is “pigment ink” or “color resin” printing? What is the main difference between these printing technologies?
Dye sublimation / resin thermal transfer printing is a unique process that creates various continuous tone colors within one individual dot or pixel of an image. Dye sublimation / resin thermal transfer printing achieves this through a diffusion process that melds colors together into a smooth, continuous tone, capable of producing over 16.7 million colors.
“Pigment ink” or “color resin” printing, however, requires groupings of ink dots to signify one single color, lowering the resolution of the image. Color resin printing uses yellow, magenta and cyan to create only a limited range of colors when compared to dye sublimation.
Which printing method produces superior image quality?
Dye sublimation / resin thermal transfer produces a superior quality image over pigment ink / color resin printing.
The main reason dye-sublimation produces better image quality lies in the fact that the dye sublimation process produces continuous tones that truly achieve the stated printhead resolution of the card printer, generally either 300 or 600 dots-per-inch (dpi).
They achieve 600 dpi resolution by fully utilising the capability of the printhead. This is because the dye sublimation process diffuses the dye, eliminating granulation while producing much greater image clarity – and higher levels of resolution than is possible with pigment ink or color resin printers.
In the case of a pigment ink or color resin process, a single colour is represented by a grouping of individual colored dots placed adjacent to one another, limiting the color range. The end result is that even though a printer using pigment ink / color resin printing may use a 600 dpi printhead, the actual quality of a color resin printed image remains at a standard 300 dpi.
From a technical perspective, exactly why are dye sublimation images of superior quality over those printed via pigment ink technology?
Pigment ink / color resin printing uses pigment-based colors while dye sublimation uses dye-based colors. Dye inks focus light while pigment inks reflect light. Pigment ink particles are actually larger in size and thus have a tendency to scatter the light they reflect, which leads to less vibrant color.
In contrast, small dye ink particles reflect light evenly for more vibrant color. Because of this, dye-based inks provide superior image colour and consequently better-quality images.
Certain graphics, logos and specifically reproducible Pantone® colours are not available using color resin printing technologies. Dye sublimation printing technology utilises colour gradation more accurately. Therefore, images are clearer and better defined, allowing images with less contrast to be produced more accurately.
I’ve heard that pigment ink / color resin printed cards are more durable and longer lasting than dye sublimation / resin thermal transfer printed cards because pigment ink printed cards are innately resistant to UV fading of text and images. Is this true?
Although it is true that pigment ink / color resin printing is naturally more resistant to fading from exposure to UV light over other printing methods, this does not necessarily mean that resulting cards are more durable or will last longer. They are still very susceptible to abrasion –images and text are still vulnerable to scratch-off.
If high durability and lengthening the lifespan of your cards is one of your priority requirements, pigment ink alone is not enough. To ensure card durability and longevity, you will want to laminate your cards to prevent damage or the scratching off of text and images.
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Although pigment ink printing is more resistant to UV fade over time, this is of little importance when considering overall durability and longevity because while colours may not fade, without overlaminate protection, images and text can easily scratch off, potentially rendering your cards unreadable.
Won’t I save money on laminate consumables using a pigment ink / color resin printer due to the innate UV fade protection this printing method provides?
Vendors that manufacture and sell pigment ink or color resin card printers tend to position their solutions as being more affordable because they claim that resulting cards are more “durable” in terms of fade resistance without having to invest in separate UV-protectant overlaminates. However, as noted above, true card durability and longevity will be better achieved if cards are laminated.
Another cost consideration is the primer panel that is required for the pigment ink printing process. Unlike dye sublimation / resin thermal transfer printing, pigment ink / color resin printing requires an adhesive primer layer be applied to the card. This primer layer can add cost to your overall consumables investment. So, even if you decide that you don’t need an overlaminate, you’ll likely still be spending more on consumables just to apply images and text to your cards using pigment ink / color resin printers.
I will be laminating my cards for added security and durability. How do these printing methods compare when paired with overlaminates?
If you will be applying overlaminates to your cards, an important factor to consider when selecting a printing technology is the adhesion of the laminate to the card.
In a preliminary test on a limited number of pigment ink / color resin-printed identification cards, the overlaminate did not remain securely fastened to the card. This is mainly due to the fact that with pigment ink printed cards, the resin lays on top of the card and accumulates to four layers of resin dots. This prevents the laminate from properly adhering to the surface, increasing the possibility of card compromise.
In contrast, overlaminates that had been developed specifically to work with dye sublimation-printed cards, did remain securely adhered. This is primarily due to the fact that dye sublimation printing impregnates the surface of the card, enabling more secure laminate adhesion.
What about output performance? How do these printing technologies compare in terms of print speed?
Because pigment ink / colour resin reverse transfer printing requires an additional adhesive primer layer, this slows card output speed considerably as the printer needs time to apply this additional layer to complete the card printing process.
Pigment ink / colour resin single-side printing (YMCK plus primer layer) typically averages about 36 seconds per card or 100 cards per hour. If printing dual-side, cards average about 55 seconds per card or 66 cards printed per hour.
In contrast, dye sublimation / resin thermal transfer printing is significantly faster. For example, in the case of HID Global’s HDP® reverse transfer printers (FARGO HDP5600 or HDP5000) that leverage dye sublimation / resin thermal transfer technology, card print speeds average 29 seconds per card or 124 cards per hour for single-sided print jobs. Dual-side printing averages 40 seconds per card or 90 cards per hour.
Because there is no primer layer required for dye sublimation printing, card output speeds are significantly more favourable. For organisations that regularly print cards in high volumes or frequently print large batches at a time, this difference can have a staggering effect on your card program’s overall productivity.
Atlas Gentech has been distributing HID Fargo printers and consumables for deployment into Government ID projects, education and healthcare facilities, SMEs and clubs for over seven years. As the only authourised New Zealand repair agent, you can rest assured you’re in trusted and capable hands.
For further information or a product demonstration, get in touch with your Atlas Gentech account manager or with your local Atlas Gentech branch in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch.