iSANZ has announced the hosting on Tuesday 21 March in Auckland and Wellington of the launch of iSANZ 2023 and the presentation of the trophies for 2021 winners.
The event will feature a panel in each city who will talk about the do’s and don’ts of a successful entry. “So if you are planning to enter iSANZ 2023 or any awards this year then come along and hear what makes a winning entry,” the event invitation recommended.
“Even more exciting is that we will be presenting the trophies to our Virtual Award winners from 2021,” said Kendra Ross in a LinkedIn post promoting the event. “And we will have a panel of previous award winners in both cities, talking about what makes a winning entry.”
This event is open to iSANZ finalists, winners and anyone who is interested in entering in 2023.
Date/Time: 5pm-7pm, Tuesday 21 March.
1/3 Queens Wharf
Wellington Central
The Corner Store
25 Mount Eden
Eden Terrace
RSVP by Friday 17th March
Please let the organisers know which location you are RSVPing for.