In this exclusive op-ed, Labour Defence Spokesperson Andrew Little puts forward the his party’s position on Defence, stating that a Labour Government would extend the Remuneration Authority’s remit to include setting the pay and allowances for NZDF members.
New Zealand needs contingent defence capability ready to deal with rising geopolitical tensions and climate change. That’s why we need to re-elect a Labour Government.
National’s leader admits his party doesn’t even have a defence policy.
I couldn’t believe my ears when Christopher Luxon said his party’s “focus has been on providing policy around other areas because we think that’s what New Zealanders care deeply about”.
Well Labour cares deeply about our defence force. They’re a critical part of our national security.
Kiwis rely on the NZDF to be there when needed. Personnel work in difficult and dangerous conditions to keep civilians safe, from Cyclone Gabrielle and extreme weather events here and in the Pacific, to peacekeeping around the world.
The last National Government failed to properly fund our defence force. The results of that were obvious: unacceptable attrition, clapped out kit, and the estate left to degrade.
Labour’s record is clear. We’ve invested $4.7 billion into defence capital over six years, which is double what National did in nine.
We have four new P8-A Poseidons, 43 new Bushmasters, HMNZS Manawanui, and there’s five new C-130J-30 Super Hercules on the way. There’s new fit-for-purpose buildings at bases around the country. And we’ve increased veterans funding too.
Regular and fair binding determinations by the Remuneration Authority will mean pay keeps up with market, now and in the future. They will restore the value and meaning of military service.
But for Labour it’s just as important we ensure defence personnel get a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.
This year we delivered the largest pay rise for NZDF personnel in a decade. New recruits and skilled lower ranked service personnel received increases of between $4,000 and $15,000. More than 90% of roles are now being paid at or within 5% of market rates.
The pay rise was a political choice. It only happened because we had a Labour Government.
It happened in a system that for decades has seen NZDF pay lurch between catch-up then years of stagnation. It’s a system that is unfair to good people who cannot join a union or bargain the terms and conditions of their employment.
A re-elected Labour Government is determined to change that system.
The Remuneration Authority currently sets pay rates for the Chief of Defence Force and the Service Chiefs.
Labour’s policy is to extend the Remuneration Authority’s remit to include setting the pay and allowances for all commissioned and enlisted personnel.
Regular and fair binding determinations by the Remuneration Authority will mean pay keeps up with market, now and in the future. They will restore the value and meaning of military service.
If you care about protecting New Zealand’s interests, and being fair to Kiwis who wear the uniform, the choice is stark this election.
It’s a choice between a Labour Government that has the record and the plan for defence. Or a National Government that has no plan, is irresponsibly dismissive, and will put our national security at risk.

WiSAA2023: Nominations are now open for security, risk, and resilience professionals from across Aotearoa New Zealand’s public, private, and community sectors. Find out more.
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