Anton Kritzinger
Industry bodies

NZSA announces fourth Covid-19 Guardian Award

New Zealand Security Association announces fourth Covid-19 Guardian Award winner as Anton Kritzinger from Armourguard. Anton will receive his award for his actions in diffusing a potentially dangerous situation on an Auckland bus during Covid-19 […]

Miranda Clark and Bryan Keightley
Industry bodies

NZSA announces third Covid-19 Guardian Award

NZSA announces the third Covid-19 Guardian Award winners are Miranda Clark and Bryan Keightley from Aegis Private Security in Tauranga. Miranda and Bryan have received their awards for outstanding service performed at Tauranga’s Baypark Covid-19 […]

Guardian Awards
Industry bodies

NZSA announces second Covid-19 Guardian Award

New Zealand Security Association announces Guardforce Security team at Pakuranga Plaza in Auckland as second Covid-19 Guardian Award winners. The first team recipient of the recently instituted awards scheme is Guardforce’s Pakuranga Plaza security team […]