NZSA CEO Gary Morrison talks vaccination certificates, mental health, NZ Security Awards, VR training, NZSA AGM, MBIE minimum wage submission, and more.
After ten weeks of lock-down I imagine most of us (and particularly those living in the Auckland region) are now craving the opportunity for change and to start returning our lives to some degree of normality.
The government has recently released details on the new traffic light system that is expected to come into place once 90% of eligible New Zealanders are fully vaccinated (i.e. 90% of New Zealanders 12 years or older have received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine). The 90%target applies to each DHB and the country will move into the new traffic light system when each DHB has 90% of its population with both doses of the vaccine.
Whilst this at least provides a pathway for moving forward it does need to be noted there is considerable doubt around the ability of some regions to achieve the 90% target and the governments track record on delivery is not exactly great!
Putting that aside, lets’ hope for a positive outcome and that this will provide us with the ability to start planning for Christmas and the New Year with some certainty.
Vaccination certificate
The landscape around mandatory vaccinations is complex and moving rapidly. The government has now announced that the scope for mandatory vaccinations within workplaces will be extended further than what is currently in place.
Businesses that require customers to show a Vaccination Certificate, will also need to ensure their workers are fully vaccinated. The industries that this applies to at this stage are close contact businesses, gyms, hospitality, gatherings (weddings/funerals etc), indoor and outdoor events.
Whilst it appears unlikely that the security sector will be specifically mandated in the near future, our interface with those sectors that are covered by mandatory vaccination means that increasingly employers will need to ensure that staff working at these sites/customers will need to be fully vaccinated.
We will continue to provide guidance on this over the coming weeks.
Mental health
Covid-19 has had a significant impact on how we interact with others, go about our lives, our work, study and many other aspects of our lives. We know that a combination of stress and uncertainty can have significant and wide-reaching impacts on the mental wellbeing of people in New Zealand.
It is important that people know that it is normal to not feel all right at this time – it is understandable that people will be feeling sad, distressed, worried, confused, anxious or angry during this crisis. Everyone reacts differently to difficult events, and some may find this time more challenging than others. The ways people think, feel and behave are also likely to change over time and we all have good days and bad days.
The NZSA has regularly promoted mental wellbeing tools and resources to assist our members but for further information refer to the website.
NZ Security Awards
After Covid-19 again played havoc with the planned Annual Security Awards event scheduled for late August, it was fantastic that we were quickly able to transform into an Awards Week event utilising a range of media platforms that ensured both a timely delivery and wide accessibility and coverage.
Our congratulations to the very deserving award category winners and special recognition to Marishka Wallace, winner of the Ian Dick Memorial Award for Security Professional of the Year.
For those who haven’t viewed the awards, access is still available via the NZSA website.
Proposed change to Schedule 6A
Earlier this year legislation was enacted recognising some security staff as vulnerable workers and with it, the obligation to consult with employees when there is a change of provider or delivery is taken in-house.
From our information the new processes have by and large been implemented with minimal confusion or disruption however it has become apparent that the inclusion of Patrol Officers and Cash-In-Transit Officers within the coverage is somewhat problematic given that their normal duties may involve servicing multiple customers.
Technically this means that every time a patrol customer or CIT cancels with one provider and moves to another, the affected employee must be consulted with and given the option of transferring – even if the customer service requires say a five-minute attendance as part of a twelve-hour patrol run. Obviously, this is operationally and financially unviable.
We have discussed this matter with Etu and they are in agreement that this falls outside of the intended coverage for vulnerable workers.
We are in the process of preparing a joint submission to MBIE proposing a change to the regulations supporting the legislation where a minimum threshold will apply before the obligation to consult is triggered – suggested at 25% of duration of the shift.
We will keep members posted on this but also welcome any feedback on any other issues being identified.
MBIE submission re minimum wage
We recently distributed a questionnaire provided by MBIE as part of the consultation process on future movements in the Minimum Wage.
Whilst only a few responses were received, we have consolidated the feedback into our industry submission.
Our focus was very much around the limited ability of some industry sectors (such as Hospitality) to absorb and even survive any further increases and the importance of certainty and clarity in the determination of future increases.
VR training platform and webinars
We are pleased to advise that the delivery of training utilising the SkillsVR E-Learning and VR Training Platform will be facilitated by Ben Kingi of POP Training (a registered PTE).
The platform provides a further option for the delivery of the CoA training (unit standards 27360, 27361 and 27364) with the benefit of being cost effective and readily accessible for those who do not have inhouse or locally based training options. This is particularly relevant during lockdown situations as employees can still access the mandatory training, unlike traditional classroom based training. For more information contact Ben Kingi on benkingi38@gmail.com.
We have also launched a package of Webinars utilising the VR scenarios as an option for pre-employment screening and refresher training – details will be announced soon.
Conflict management Train the Trainer and Refresher training
As part of their industry role, Skills has overseen and managed the approval process for trainers delivering the CoA Mandatory Training and facilitation of Train the Trainer and Refresher Training programmes.
With the transition of the Standard Setting Body (SSB) functions of Industry Training Organisations (ITO’s) such as Skills into the Work Development Councils (WDC’s) over coming months there remains a high degree of uncertainty as to where the responsibility for functions such as this will sit.
Given the critical nature of the Conflict Management training and the necessity for training continuity, the NZSA as the peak body representing the security industry and with support of the Security Training Special Interest Group, will exclusively deliver the Train the Trainer and Refresher Training programmes.
We recently conducted an RFP to select suitably experienced and qualified trainers to deliver the Train the Trainer and Refresher Training and are pleased to advise that we have appointed two providers – Hard Target (Quinton Swanson) and Risq (Ngaire Kelaher and Mac Te Haara).
We are currently developing a training calendar for next year and will communicate this shortly with those needing to complete the Refresher Training or have registered interest in the Train the Trainer programme. However we would encourage anyone interested in undertaking this training to contact Andrea Charlton on andrea@security.org.nz and register your interest.
Training details will also be detailed on our website www.security.org.nz
Electronic Security Special Interest Group
Special Interest Groups (SIG’s) play a key role in ensuring the NZSA’s relevancy across a range of industry sectors and issues, particularly where we may not have a lot of in-house institutional knowledge (in other words where my skills and knowledge are somewhat limited!).
The SIG’s are made up of a group of volunteers with skills, knowledge and expertise specific to an industry sector or segment and with a strong interest in lifting standards and performance within that sector. Normally SIG members are employed by NZSA members however this is not restrictive and participants from other interested parties (such as academia, customers and government agencies) are also welcomed and can provide specific expertise.
We are currently in the process of establishing an Electronic Security SIG and whilst the key focus areas will be determined by the group once it is in place, they are likely to include compliance matters, industry training (including recognition of prior learning) and creating and promoting career pathway opportunities that attract and retain quality workers to the industry.
Participation is not overly onerous with a meeting bi-monthly (currently via zoom) and communication via circulated emails.
If you are interested in being involved on the Electronic Security SIG please contact Gary on gary@security.org.nz.
Audits – Accredited Members
An NZSA Accredited Member is one who has been audited to see if they adhere to the Codes of Practice which apply within their respective industry sector, and that they comply with the NZSA Rules, Bylaws and Code of Ethics. Once they have been found to meet or exceed these requirements, they are provided with a Certificate stating this and listed on the NZSA website as an Accredited Member.
This gives the company an added point of difference that they may use in promoting their business. It gives confidence to the person or organisation who is interested in using their services. The audit also provides guidance on how the business can achieve further improvements and enhancements to the way they operate.
Audit compliance is valid for five years, subject to the submission of an annual declaration advising of any material change to the business operations.
Whilst the audit programme has been hampered since lockdown, we are happy to discuss the process with members and to pencil in dates for 2022.
More information can be found on our website or contact Gary to discuss on gary@security.org.nz.
NZSA AGM and Annual Report
We have deferred this years AGM to the 7th December in the hope of being able to hold a face to face event – details are provided later in this newsletter.
Should lockdown restrictions make holding a face-to-face meeting impossible, we will revert to a virtual format and communicate this to members well in advance.
Building Networks member benefit programme
We are pleased to announce that we have entered into an agreement with Building Networks where NZSA members will receive a 20% discount on services and programmes provided by Building Networks.
Building Networks are New Zealand’s leading authority on building and fire compliance and can help you and your people understand, know and apply the rules.
Company licence renewals
With the original licensing requirement for individual and company licenses introduced in 2011 and a five yearly renewal process, there is a large number of licences that require renewal during the current year. Whilst the PSPLA have a notification system in place, this is based on the email addresses that they hold on file and should not be relied upon as those records are often out of date.
We recommend that members check on their licence status and put in place a reminder process for at least three months prior to the expiry date. Members should also note that if they fail to renew their licence within the specified dates, they will be required to undertake a new licence application.