WiSAA Recipients inhabit an esteemed position within Aotearoa New Zealand’s security sector, assessed by a panel of respected judges as meeting the highest benchmarks of professionalism and as being inspirational role models within their professions.

2023-24 Recipients
Category Winners
- Contributing to defence and international security: LTCOL Laura Cranston, NZDF
- Protecting borders, trade, and biosecurity: Janna Binning, New Zealand Customs
- Countering incivility and violent extremism: Detective Beth Bates, New Zealand Police
- Safeguarding networks and people online: Tegan Wedderburn, Netsafe
- Securing organisations and infrastructure: Gina Lindsay-Crawford, FIRST Security
- Combatting fraud and misrepresentation: Catherine Abel-Pattinson, Netsafe
- Responding to natural disaster events: Colonel Mel Childs, NZDF
- Building resilient communities: Inspector Juanita (Whiti) Timutimu, New Zealand Police
Highly Commended
- Karoline Jacobs, Aviation Security Service
- Tamara Gould, New Zealand Customs Service
- Lance Corporal S, New Zealand Defence Force
- Kallia McFarland, Serpenti Investigations
- Pilot Officer Mikaela Heald, New Zealand Defence Force
- Danielle Kaiwai, KiwiRail
Judging Panel
- Dr Bridgette Sullivan-Taylor
- Ngaire Kelaher PSP CPP
- Jennie Vickers
- Andrew Thorburn

2022 Recipients
Category Winners
- Thought Leader: Hilary Walton, Microsoft.
- Investigator: Kavita Chetty, New Zealand Automobile Association (AA NZ).
- Consultant: Natasha Pennell, FIRST Security.
- Analyst: Aya Hashad, Auckland University of Technology (AUT).
- Engineer: Kirsten Nel, Gallagher Security.
- Educator: Karoline Jacobs, CAA & Aviation Security Service NZ.
- Leader: Su Kaur, FIRST Security.
- Executive: Meredith Palmer, Gallagher Security.
- Indigenous Advocate: Denise Carter-Bennett, Datacom.
- Rising Star: Abby Zhang, Kordia.
Highly Commended
- Consultant: Sandra Whitehead, Lotto NZ.
- Leader: Angela Paul, Monitor New Zealand.
- Thought Leader: Jeannette Mudge, 2 Degrees.
- Indigenous Advocate: Tina Bautista, ZX Security.
- Rising Star: Justina Koh, ZX Security.
Judging Panel
- Dr Bridgette Sullivan-Taylor MInstD, University of Auckland.
- Jennie Vickers, 2021 IFSEC Global Influencer in Security.
- Ngaire Kelaher CPP PSP, ASIS International New Zealand Chapter.

Ngaire Kelaher CPP PSP, WiSAA Alumna and 2022 judging panel member.
2021 Recipients
Category Winners
- Thought Leader (co-winner): Sai Honig, NZ Network for Women in Security.
- Thought Leader (co-winner): Jennie Vickers, Zeopard Consulting.
- Rising Star: Pascale Howell, Gallagher.
- Educator: Yvonne Bruce, FIRST Security.
- Engineer: Sherilyn Tasker, Gallagher.
- Consultant: Anupurna Kaw, Microsoft New Zealand.
- Executive: Heather Jones, Aegis Private Security.
- Analyst: Amina Aggarwal, Spark.
- Indigenous Advocate: Tash Bettridge, Microsoft New Zealand.
- Leader: Jill Priest, FIRST Security.
2020 Recipients
Category Winners
- Thought Leader: Kendra Ross, Duo.
- Educator: Ngaire Kelaher, RISQ New Zealand.
- Consultant: Sai Honig, ANZ.
- Indigenous Awareness: Tash Bettridge, Vodafone.
- Executive: Natasha Hallet, Maritime NZ.
- Rising Star: Ankita Dhakar, Security Lit.
- Engineering: Grace Lee, Cyber Research.
Judging Panel
- Dr Carrine Teoh Chooi Shi CISSP CBCP, Westplan Resources Sdn Bhd.
- Kenneth McKenzie KH, Auckland War Memorial Museum.
- Bonnie Butlin FARPI SRMCP, Security Partners’ Forum.
- Nicholas Dynon APP CCTP M.ISRM, Defsec New Zealand.
- Jennie Vickers, New Zealand Defence Industry Association.